Did you know that 88% of employees believe strong company culture is key to business success (source)? 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. That’s why it is so important to extend extra care and concern to our employees. The book The Vibrant Workplace:...
No surprise the 2020 holiday shopping season will include a rise in online sales. But the big surprise is that nearly every type of business is now promoting holiday sales. For instance, B2B sales can increase as the tax year comes to a close. Business customers may...
Do you want to make a change in the world? Social enterprise is a popular trend that benefits business and community. Consumers love the concept of their favorite brand making a societal difference. Recent surveys find that 63% of consumers feel that ethical issues...
Mentors are an important part of a business leader’s success. In fact, 84% of business leaders said their mentors helped them avoid costly mistakes (source). Mentors offer valuable insight to enjoy career success. A mentor’s guidance will help you create a new,...
Got a habit that is it holding you back from becoming your highest and best? The highest-achieving and most successful entrepreneurs are also, generally speaking, successful in life. After all, building a successful business is a metaphor for...